Voucher System
An Overview
State Innovations Family planning Services Project Agency (SIFPSA), together with Hindustan Latex family Planning Promotion Trust ( HLFPPT) with the funding support of USAID started an initiation to provide quality RCH services for the Urban Slum dwellers of Kanpur Nagar.
Demographic Profile of Kanpur Nagar District
Population : 4.2 million
Urban Population : 2.8 million (68 per cent)
Growth Rate : 2.47 per cent/ annum
Sex Ratio : 865/1000 males
Literacy Rate : 74.4 per cent
Urban Poor : >40 per cent
- No of Urban Slums: 368
- Total population : 5.61 lakh approx.
- Women in reproductive group
- Children up to 2 years
- Focus population:
- Secondary target Group: Men for FP services
- Project launched : Sep 28,07
Project Objectives
- Expand service coverage and meet individual, family & community level demand.
- Improve quality of and access to RCH services
- Accreditation of private facilities for providing quality RCH and family planning services to the BPL families of Urban Slums, Kanpur Nagar
- Expand service coverage and create Health Seeking Behavior.
- Providing a choice of service providers available to the people for accessing services.
- Create and manage a voucher system for availing predetermined RCH services.
- Documenting and disseminating the process, lessons & learning.
- To identify linkages with other agencies for replicating and scaling-up this PPP model.
Services Provided through Vouchers
- ANC-3 visits (ANC check up, TT Injection, IFA tablets, Nutrition advice)
- Deliveries (Normal, complicated and CS)
- PNC (2 check ups, breast feeding counseling and FP counseling)
- Family Planning (Sterilization and IUCD)
- Child Immunization (free of cost—supplies from CMO)
- RTI/STI (check ups, treatment, partner counseling)
Project Strategies
- Identification of project clients through base line Survey and roll out of vouchers.
- Accreditation of Pvt. facilities to serve Project client.
- Provide pre determined RCH services to project clients
- Project Implementation through NGO partners
- Selection of Community Health Volunteers (CHV) .
- Formulation of the Project Advisory Group (PAG).
- Provision of the referral services by private facilities with quality standard and equity.
- Conduct standard protocol training of Accredited Pvt. facilities.
- Concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation.
Project Partners - Field NGOs
- Action For Women And Rural Development (AWARD)
- Amin Welfare Trust
- Krishi Evam Shaikshik Prabhandha Sansthan
Service Providers
- Madhulok Hospital
- St. Catherine's Hospital
- Metro Hospital
- J.L.Rohatgi Hospital
- Merrygold Hospital
- New Leelamani Hospital
- Anjali Hospital
- D.T.Nursing Home
- Jain Hospital
- Awasthi Hospital
- Kabir Hospital
- Sewa Dham Hospital
Voucher Management System
Achievements so Far
- Accreditation of 13 Private Nursing Home/ Hospitals.
- Selection of three field NGOs.
- Appointment of the staff for voucher management unit & field NGOs
- Developed Satellite Map for Project area.
- Conducted baseline, Socio economic Survey & data analysis.
- Regular networking with CMO, Kanpur Nagar.
- Developed Corpus fund for neonatal emergency care
- Supplementary MOU for delivery services signed with all PNH / Hs.
- Voucher distribution started from 11th Nov 08 after signing the amended MOU with Private Nursing Homes & hospitals.
- 100% RCH clients covered.
- Accreditation of all PNH & Hs under JSY Scheme & Family Planning is completed
- Voucher MIS records/ case sheets for PNH/Hs developed
- IEC materials - Jaccha Baccha Card, Posters & Broachers designed and printed
- Continued networking with CMO, Kanpur Nagar for free logistic supply to all accredited PNH/Hs
- Regular co-ordination meetings with CMO, Kanpur Nagar to include all project sites for providing RI.
- Voucher MIS records/ case sheets for PNH/Hs developed
- IEC materials - Jaccha Baccha Card, Posters & Broachers designed and printed
- Continued networking with CMO, Kanpur Nagar for free logistic supply to all accredited PNH/Hs
- Regular co-ordination meetings with CMO, Kanpur Nagar to include all project sites for providing RI.
- Voucher MIS records/ case sheets for PNH/Hs developed
- IEC materials - Jaccha Baccha Card, Posters & Broachers designed and printed
- Continued networking with CMO, Kanpur Nagar for free logistic supply to all accredited PNH/Hs
- Regular co-ordination meetings with CMO, Kanpur Nagar to include all project sites for providing RI.
- Out Reach Camps by Private Nursing Homes & Hospitals.
- Sterilization and IUCD camps in accredited PNH & Hs.