Radio is an important component of mass media with a maximum reach across rural Uttar Pradesh, thus offering a unique media edge both in terms of cost effectiveness and reach. This is more so in the context of rural audiences that are the largest and most critical segment of our programme's target groups.
It is thus planned to air two radio programmes based on Reproductive child Health of 52 episodes:
SIFPSA formulated a communication strategy for health and family planning in Uttar Pradesh in mid-1995. An over-arching campaign was developed with the aim of bringing the hitherto taboo subject of planning families out into the open and to trigger dialogue across audience groups: between spouse(s), between the service provider and client, between policymakers and implementers. To address the above issues two Radio Programes –26 episodes each of on RCH issues were developed:
1) Radio Drama Serial for General Public (GP) "Sunherey Sapney, Sanwartee Rahein"Both the programs are based on the - Education through Entertainment approach with technical assistance from Johns Hopkin's University/CCP Center for Communication Programme, were broadcasted twice from 12 primary stations of AIR (All India Radio)SIFPSA received a lot of responses from general public and ASHAs in first and second round of airing. At the same time NRHM was introduced in the state and it was realized that the NRHM issues should be taken up and role of ASHA under NRHM should be introduced and highlighted to the target audience. In view of above, SIFPSA extended old story line and developed 26 new episodes on NRHM issues and working of ASHA in the name of "Sunehere Sapne Sanwart Rahein".
For the promotion of the program a poster was developed and distributed in all 70 Districts. Information of the airing of program publicizes from Radio and TV both .A prss meet was organized under the chairman ship of ED SIFPSA to promote the program through news papers. To receive the listener's letters a post box SIFPSA-128 was formed in GPO lucknow information of the same given in every episodes .
To achieve the main objectives and to motivate the target audience on the NRHM issues118 listeners groups were formed in 71 districts of UP under the guidance of ASHAs.
To make the program interactive and more informative answers of Frequent asking questions were given in episodes14th and episode 25th by JD NRHM . Quiz questions were asked in episodes 9th and 21st episodes and name of prize winners were announced in 13th and 26th episodes. total 10 prizes( transistors) were given. 20 prizes (pressure cookers) were given to ASHAs for best performance of Listeners groups. Program was aired from 21st May 2008 to 6th November 2008 and again received thousands of letters Form UP and some parts of Bihar Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Chatiisghar, Maharashtra , Assam and Orrisa appreciating the program and request for continuing the program and to show this series on DoorDarshan. Project was developed and launced by Priti gupta PC IEC) SIFPSA .
Development and broadcast of 12 audio spots on ANC. Age at Marriage Spacing and Family Planning
To complete the work in time and to get quality scripts according to the demand of the project a three days Work shop was organized to develop these 12 audio spots scripts experts called from UNICEF , CARE, NRHM, SIFPSA, Vatsalya Litracy housre, Mahila Samakhya,& script writers from All India Radio ,Bhatandu Natya Acadmy , State Institute of Educational Technology.
A presentation for the objectives of the workshop and process for developing the 60 and 30 sec audio spots scripts was given in front of participants.
A format was developed for the experts to fill the objectives Target audience and content for 60 sec and 30 sec Audio scripts.
Total four groups were formed according to the issues having experts and scripts writers.
Each group developed objectives and contents for 4 topics on the issues such as for spacing topics were Condom, pills, Conversation among spouses, and IUCD.
On the selected topics and developed content script writers were developed the scripts. same . Total scripts developed 16 four on each issues 12 scripts were produced and aired from AIR 12 primary channels of UP.
To complete the work in time and to get quality scripts according to the demand of the project a three days Work shop was organized to develop these 12 audio spots scripts experts called from UNICEF , CARE, NRHM, SIFPSA, Vatsalya Litracy housre, Mahila Samakhya,& script writers from All India Radio ,Bhatandu Natya Acadmy , State Institute of Educational Technology.
A presentation for the objectives of the workshop and process for developing the 60 and 30 sec audio spots scripts was given in front of participants.
A format was developed for the experts to fill the objectives Target audience and content for 60 sec and 30 sec Audio scripts.
Total four groups were formed according to the issues having experts and scripts writers. Each group developed objectives and contents for 4 topics on the issues such as for spacing topics were Condom, pills, Conversation among spouses, and IUCD.
On the selected topics and developed content script writers were developed the scripts. same . Total scripts developed 16 four on each issues 12 scripts were produced and aired from AIR 12 primary channels of UP.
The campaign strategy has evolved based on a thorough understanding of the communication barriers. Enter-Educate Approach:
The Campaign will be using the entertainment-education approach, which is an effective behaviour change format that blends popular forms of entertainment such as radio & television drama, live theater etc. The purpose of education is to enhance the knowledge and skills of the learners so that they can make better use of their personal knowledge and abilities to enrich and improve their own lives. When developing Enter-Educate programs, the aim is to harmoniously blend these two elements:
Airing: Broadcast one episode per week of each of the two programs on All India Radio's (AIR) 12 Primary channels, in lieu of its effective reach and 91% internship in rural Uttar Pradesh ,started from For December 2006 to June 2007 and rearing ion the public demand from September 2007 to March 2008
Tom makes the program more interactive and effective answers of Frequent asking questions from the audience were also given in the both the programs
Quiz: questions asked in 9th and 20th episodes of both the programs and priz3es were announced in 13th and 26th episodes of both the programs. 10 prizes were distributed Hawkins pressure cookers.( Photographs should be aded)
Radio Drama Series: New 26 episodes of RADIO drama SERIES ON nrhm & Role of ASHA" "Sunehetre Sapne Sanwarti Rahein" 2007-08