The State Innovation in Family Planning Services Project Agency (SIFPSA) has been a joint venture of Government of
India, USAID and Government of Uttar Pradesh for implementing the Innovations in Family
Planning Services (IFPS) project in the state. During the two decades of successful implementing of
IFPS projects, SIFPSA has mark in the global arena in FP and RCH. It is commendable that due to efficient
programme management and good governance, SIFPSA has generated adequate resources, linkages and networks ans is
ready to take on the challenges of sustainability and financial independence.
SIFPSA is playing a major role in strengthening of HMIS and MCTS/RCH portal in the state and also helping in establishing integrated e-services delivery platform to improve field level workers performance in UP. SIFPSA is going to venture into business development arena and explore potential market opportunities to capture demands like formulating IEC/BCC strategies, creative campaigns, research & evaluation studies, monitoring system, clinical / non-clinical trainings, social franchising and CSR prospects and innovative PPP models.
Various innovative pilot projects like e-UPHC pilot projects in 10 Urban PHCs of Allahabad and Gorakhpur, RBSK mobile App implementation in two divisions have been successfully completed by SIFPSA and based on success of pilots both have been expanded in the states. e-PHC pilot projects is also being done in 8 aspirational districts and Gorakhpur and Varanasi district.
I am sure, leveraging on its legacy as an autonomous body of GoUP, SIFPSA would build on its expertise and transform into a vibrant and sustainable Technical Support Organization.