Women's equality has made positive gains but the world is still unequal. International Women's Day celebrates the social, political and economic achievements of women. Theme of international women day 2014 is 'Inspiring Change'.
Considering above mentioned theme, SIFPSA organized an event titled 'Uttar Pradesh ke Lok geeto mein Beti' on the eve of international women day 7th March 2014. This inspiring theme was unique initiative of SIFPSA. This programme covered all messages related to girl child such as Female Feticide, Gender Discrimination, Age at Marriage, and Unmatched Marriage (csesy fookg). This Programme was developed by Chandrabhan Gupt Kala Samiti.
Folk songs dwell very deeply in the heart of the people of Uttar Pradesh and always use to sing at every occasion from birth to marriage. It is our social practice that at the birth of the child even either boy or girl, we always sing male child birth song (Sohar). To break this practice, first time girl child birth song was introduced in the programme. This programme was highly appreciated by all invitees.
On this occasion, Mr. Amit Kumar Ghosh, Executive Director, SIFPSA and Mission Director, National Health Mission, Uttar Pradesh, Dr. Kajal, Additional Mission Director, NHM-UP, Dr.Baljit Singh Arora, Director General, Family Welfare, UP, Mr. BK Jain, General Manager (R&E/HAP),SIFPSA, Ms. Savita Chauhan, General Manager(IEC),SIFPSA, Mr. Yogesh Praveen, Dr.BM Ramesh, Dr. Namita Yadav, Dr.Aruna Narain and other prominent women of city attended the programme. On this occasion, Ms. Preeti Gupta, Consultant (IEC),SIFPSA was given Certificate of Excellence on her outstanding contribution in the field of IEC during the FY 2012-13 and 2013-14.