SIFPSA Newsletter

In order to share the progress of SIFPSA activities and disseminate information pertaining to innovative interventions, successful models and achievements of the project in various areas, SIFPSA comes out with a Newsletter - "Innovations", on a regular basis. Innovations covers success stories of NGOs and public sector; articles on training, research/ evaluation studies, communication and opinion of an expert. The write-ups in Innovations, duly supported with photographs, data tables and graphics, not only make interesting reading but also possess tremendous shelf value for its readers.

Lead stories in the newsletter are usually based on special events, report on a seminar or workshop, key findings from studies, insight into project strategies and major impacts. Innovative aspects of NGO work are featured under the regular column - "NGO Sector". These published success stories encourage and motivate the project partners and grass roots level workers in other regions to replicate successful models. They also give them a sense of recognition and ownership of the project.

Notable interventions in the IFPS Project, whether in public or private sector, training or capacity building, communication or contraceptive marketing; are also highlighted in the Newsletter. There are summary reports on research, assessments and evaluation studies pertaining to the project. The ever increasing mailing list for Innovations comprises policy makers and programme managers in the central and state governments, professionals from different national & international agencies in the development sector, government functionaries, district authorities like the District Magistrate, Chief Medical Officers,NGOs, project partners, media & press; and interested individuals.

SIFPSA today has gained international acclaim for its innovative interventions and has set standards for working in the field of social development and RCH in particular. To allow other individuals and organizations in the development sector to gain from SIFPSA's experiences, it has been documenting its innovative strategies, findings and achievements. Some SIFPSA publications are listed below :

Following are five volumes of Newsletter that have been published till now:

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